Content in the COVID-19 Era: Current Realities and Future Opportunities
The purpose of this research is to understand how COVID-19 has impacted the consumer entertainment and video gaming content landscape. Specific objectives include:
Access Points: Understand which services and devices consumers use to access entertainment and gaming and how the content stack has changed in response to COVID-19.
Subscription Behaviors: Understand what factors influence consumers to subscribe to streaming video services as well as drivers of subscriber churn.
Use Levels: Measure how COVID-19 has impacted consumer video viewership and engagement with video games across popular platforms.
Social Connection: Explore consumer use of social video apps, videoconferencing and gaming to connect with others, particularly as a response to COVID-19-related mobility restrictions.
Future Opportunities: Understand which new behaviors in the video ecosystem are likely to grow in importance: engaging with new types of content, new distribution channels and new platforms.
Published: September 2020
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